Argentina, 1985 is inspired by the true story of Julio Strassera, Luis Moreno Ocampo and their young legal team of unlikely heroes in their David-vs-Goliath battle in which, under constant threat, they dared to prosecute Argentina’s bloodiest military dictatorship against all odds and in a race against time to bring justice to the victims of the Military Junta.
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Argentina, 1985 (2022)
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Views:23 views
Quality: HD
Year: 2022
Duration: 140 Min
Director:Santiago Mitre
Cast:Alejandra Flechner, Alejo Garcia Pintos, Antonia Bengoechea, Brian Sichel, Carlos Del Río, Carlos Portaluppi, Claudio Da Passano, Fernando Ritucci, Francisco Bertín, Gabriel Fernández, Gina Mastronicola, Guillermo Jacubowicz, Héctor Díaz, Héctor González, Ignacio Francavilla, Jorge Gerschman, Laura Paredes, Mariano Speratti, Martin Gallo, Norman Briski, Pablo Burzstyn …, Pablo Caramelo, Pablo Moseinco, Paula Ransenberg, Peter Lanzani, Pietro Gian, Ricardo Carranza, Ricardo Cepeda, Ricardo Darín, Ricardo Tuppel, Ruben Casela, Santiago Armas Estevarena, Walter Jakob